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Welcome to IBSA Fertility.
IBSA is a major contributor to the UK reproductive medicine field, and our dedication to supporting every step of the fertility journey is driven by a patient-centred approach. As a trusted partner, we deliver high-quality services that are tailored to meet the needs of our customers and patients.
We work closely with our partners to listen to, and understand the challenges of infertility, and pride ourselves on offering an enhanced service and patient experience beyond the treatment.

Guidance on how to take your prescribed medication
Evidence based information and tools to support you
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The impact of infertility.
Fertility rates have been gradually declining, with around 17.5% of the adult population - roughly 1 in 6 worldwide - experiencing infertility1.
We understand that couples with fertility issues have a variety of factors that contribute to infertility. In women, this includes increasing age, hormonal issues, presence of fibroids or polyps and endometriosis. In men, this includes abnormal sperm quality and quantity, and issues with ejaculation.
Despite advances in fertility treatments, improvements in the number and quality of treatments that result in a successful pregnancy are still required.

How can we help?
At IBSA, we offer an integrated approach to the fertility journey and have a comprehensive portfolio of products tailored for IVF.
Our reliability and customised approach mean that we can support patients facing fertility problems and using assisted reproductive technology on their journey.
What is ART?
ART consists of procedures that involve the in vitro handling of both human oocytes and sperm, or of embryos, with the objective of establishing a pregnancy2. There are a number of steps in the process of ART and not all patients follow the same steps.
The treatment will be tailored to individuals based on their unique circumstances. The steps include pre-treatment prior to beginning the ART process, down-regulation (or suppressing of the menstrual cycle), follicle stimulation, triggering ovulation, egg collection, egg fertilisation and embryo transfer.